Rhin-O-Tuff Binding Machine: Parts and Service

If you are running a high end binding operation, you are probably running the operation with a Rhin-O-Tuff binding machine. As rugged as they are, sometimes a part may fail or you lose a pin in one of your interchangeable dies. Often times, it is the small things that people lose.

Interchangeable Die PinScreen Shot 2015-03-09 at 11.34.24 AM

One of the most comon parts requested is an interchangeable die pin. There are times when you may need to take one out to punch a special size. We keep a container by our machine to store the pins we have removed. Every now and then, you may have to call us to replace one.

Palm Switch42

Palm switch can sometimes go bad. We have been able to fix them for clients and actually make them a little more rugged for customers. Or, you can purchase a replacement. Palm switch can be a strange part to give you problems.

Manual Reverse Tool

It’s like all tools. Your kids play with it and leave it in the lawn somewhere and you don’t know what happened to it. Never fear, we have the replacements for you if ever you need one.manualadjusterx300

Rhin-O-Tuff machines are very rugged and well made. Customers never have any problems with them. Sometimes, it’s these little things that we find most people are needing as part of their on-going operation.

shop rhin-o-tuff binding machine parts and accessories

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