plastic coil binding supplies picture

Binding Supplies: Plastic Coil Binding Supplies Choices

Are you still only offering black plastic coil binding supplies to your customers? Have you considered other color options for plastic coil binding? There are about 50 different color combinations out there to choose.

Plastic coil binding can add some color to your customer’s binding project. Color can conform to their branding. Color plastic coil binding can enhance their marketing material to stand out from others. You will find that there are many colors to choose apart from black only.

So, what colors are available? Some of the standard coil colors include:coil

If you want to get real creative, there are some special order color binding coils that can match your own color swatch, including:

Binding Supplies are a tough thing to stock. The way you can offer color plastic coil binding supplies to your customers is to sit down and work out what kind of documents they will have you produce for them, the sizes and potential color combinations to keep in stock.

Buyers and users are still moved by well produced material and presentation. Help your clients help themselves by introducing color to their plastic coil binding.


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