Pressure Sealer Automates Your Mailings

Automate Your Office with a Pressure Sealer

If you are trying to find ways to further automate your office, a pressure sealer is a good way to process your mailers. Instead of hiring someone to run an envelope over a wet roller to activate the glue, just print a single sheet and run it through a pressure sealer to prepare it for mailing.

There are all kinds of pressure sealers out there to help you get the job done. Which one to choose will depend on how many sheets you process in a month. The cost of a pressure sealer is small when you consider the cost of an employee. What would take 1-2 man hours to complete 100 envelopes, your pressure sealer can get done in minutes.

Pressure sealers are perfect for the following:

  • Invoices
  • Appointment Notices
  • Payroll/Checks
  • Grade Reports
  • Utility Bills
  • W-2’s
  • Direct Mail
  • PIN Mailers
  • Rebates and more!

These are all one-piece mailers that can be printed on one piece of paper. By printing on one piece of paper, you eliminate the need for envelopes. This makes your mailings go much faster eliminating the need to stuff envelopes by hand or seal them by hand. Pressure sealers run the pressure sensitive adhesives which complete a secure seal through an Autoseal machine. You simply print the forms off a laswer printer, then run them through the pressure sealer.

Check out our large selection of Formax Pressure Sealers at the Lloyds of Indiana Direct Mail Equipment Store.


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