Product Review: Lassco CR-50XP Pneumatic Corner Rounder Machine

Lascco CR-50XP lasts forever.

Round cornering is a gimme in any print finish operation. You have to

have one because there will be projects that require a corner rounder machine to finish a job. Round cornering can be time consuming and the man hours on a big project can eat away at profits.Lassco CR50-XP Pneumatic Round Corner Cutter

If you have an office with an air compressor, a Lassco CR-50XP Pneumatic Round Corner Machine can help keep those costs down. Not only will it help speed up your operation, it will last forever. Lassco machines are the most durable machine to have around. The Lassco CR-50XP can operate at 60 strokes per minute, on a 17” x 17” table. It requires 80 PSI of air to operate. Like most Lassco corner rounder machines, it has a large selection of interchangeble dies.

The Lassco CR-50XP Pneumatic Round Corner Cutter is an investment that will last the life of your business. So, paying it off takes no time, the only cost will be the labor in producing the finished project for your client.


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